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From CODECS: Online Database and e-Resources for Celtic Studies

Results (5)
Tymoczko, Maria, “Cétamon: vision in early Irish seasonal poetry”, Éire-Ireland 18:4 (1983): 17–39.
Bowen, Charles, “Great-bladdered Medb: mythology and invention in the Táin bó Cuailnge”, Éire-Ireland 10:4 (Winter, 1975): 14–34.
Jackson, Donald, “The Irish language and Tudor government”, Éire-Ireland 8:1 (Spring, 1973): 21–28.
Ó Maidín, Pádraig, “Pages from an Irishman’s diary: this period then”, Éire-Ireland 6:4 (Winter, 1971): 23–28.
Tremaine, Hadley P., “The three Saxon princes at The destruction of Da Derga's hostel”, Éire-Ireland 4:3 (Autumn, 1969): 50–54.

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